North Charleston, South Carolina 25 October 2015

A cloudy day down south as we left Atlanta for Charleston, South Carolina which was overcast as well.  


We’re down to the final five shows of this tour and heading to our last hotel base in Florida after tonight’s show.  Mixed feelings as always, really ready to get home and back to my work there yet very sorry to see this coming to an end.  As I’ve mentioned before, this North American run in particular has been nothing but a joy all the way around.  I’ve begun taking one or two things out of the wardrobe trunks each night and incorporating them back into my suitcase so I don’t have a load of things to clear out on the last night.


Tonight’s show was at the North Charleston Performing Arts Centre for a capacity audience of 2,340.  What a crowd, standing for the first three songs.  They couldn’t have been a better audience.  The band in top form.  It’s probably getting old reading these notes but for us it’s always a new attempt and we’re always ready to hit the boards even at this late stage of the game.  We’re still talking about how to improve little bits of things even now.  Amazing.  It’s the most brilliant thing…. after seven months to still be so into it and improving things.  A GREAT gig in Charleston tonight and…. the very first time we’ve played here.  The Straits never played in Charleston.  So, new firsts are still happening.


A runner to West Palm Beach, Florida.  We’re down to the “lasts”.  This is the last hotel of the tour.  A week from tonight most of us will be in our homes.  What a year it’s been.


So long,




Tracker Tour (2015)admin