Durham, North Carolina 22 October, 2015

We de-camped Manhattan after nine days there and a fantastic second show at The Beacon last night.  In nine days, the entire contents of my bag were strewn to the four corners of the room requiring a lengthy and confused re-pack this morning.


The flight down south to North Carolina was fortified by platters of sushi and grilled chicken teriyaki on skewers.


Tonight’s show was at the Durham Performing Arts Centre, a modern theatre that seats 2.700.  Another in this North American run of great shows for great people… a particularly good evening tonight.


With the promise of barbecued ribs, North Carolina style, I passed on dinner at the show, laid heavily into the ribs on the plane and was not disappointed.  Proper, southern style ribs that fall off the bone, knife and fork ribs and a fantastic bowl of beans to go along with them.


We’re in Atlanta now and will base her for the next few days.


So long,




Tracker Tour (2015)admin