Koln, Germany 21 June, 2015
It’s 6 something in the morning as I peck out the last of these notes before a 12 day break. I’m heading home to Nashville today and looking forward to being with my family for a little breather before returning to Europe for another month of dates beginning the 4th of July.
Sunday the 21st we took another train journey from Frankfurt to Koln, all cautious to step onto the correct train this time. Our usual venue in that city, Lanxess Arena. Straight into catering for two piping hot bowls of creme of chestnut and mushroom soup with a cuppa tea. Soundcheck, where believe it or not, after 6 weeks of gigs we still work on details within some of the songs. That might be musically, sonically, something to do with the mix or lighting…. always trying to improve things.
Dinner was a proper send-off Sunday roast of either roast beef or herb roasted chicken with Yorkshire pudding, roasted potatos and carrots, green beans and gravy, salads, cheese board and apple pie. There was only one thing to do, over eat, and we all did. Mike, John, and I then lumbered in for a meet and greet with instruments in hand followed by MK with pen in hand for signing autographs.
We took the stage at just past 8 and from my vantage point I couldn’t see an empty seat. 12,000+ people, another great audience, MK and Co. in top form. We’ve really got a head of steam up now and this little break in the tour will put a fresh charge on everyone’s batteries.
The notes will resume on July 4th with our first show in Bad Kissingen when we return to Europe. Meantime I’ll be firing up the b.b.q. and shaking up a few martinis at home and hope you’ll be doing the same.
So long,