Barcelona, Spain 25 July 2013

It wasn't our usual Barcelona venue this time.  We played an outdoor, city square show for 5,000+ in Poble Espanyol (Spanish town), an open air, architectural museum, a fabrication of a Spanish town square.  Built in 1929 for the Barcelona International Exhibition, it was originally intended to last the 6 months it was needed for that event but instead of being razed it was kept open as a museum.  The layout is that of a town square with shoppes and restaurants, in the old Spanish style and is a major tourist attraction.

We're in to the 'late' shows now, a 10 p.m. start.  Spanish and Italian culture is that of slow, long and late evenings, dinner commonly not served until 9 or later.  Night life carrying on 'til dawn.  This was an audience out for a good time tonight, loud, singing along and breaking into the football chant.... Ole, ole, ole, ole...ole, ole.  Doesn't look like much in print, but those who've heard it know what I'm talking about.  A grand night was had by all... the audience and the band.

Given the layout of venue, we couldn't do our usual runner, instead we hung out in the dressing room for a good hour and a half drinking wine and devouring empanadas, Spanish ham and cold cuts.

We're all savouring these final days and shows of this great tour.

So long,
