December Update

The leaves of autumn have segued to the 12th month of the year. Hope everyone had a good summer and are enjoying the brisk fall weather as we sail into the holidays.

We had an end of summer splash down on the Gulf of Mexico for a couple of weeks in early October. The weather still very warm and mild, just like the Gulf waters. I always hate to see summer end but having an early autumn holiday makes it easier to take.

I’ve been doing several podcasts recently to promote the Tall Tale Tunes album. Craig Garber hosts a wonderful podcast called Everyone Loves Guitar, and I spoke at great length with him about the new record. That interview will be up beginning December 3rd, You can find it at along with another interview I did with him a couple of years ago.

A new podcast dropped called “Legends” with Andy Ellis.  Andy’s an old friend and great guitar player.  We had this chat a couple of months ago and here it is:

Here’s a link to a fun hour I spent with Paul Burch on his radio show, Works Progress Radio Hour. We talked about the new record and also took turns picking some of our favourite guitar records to play. You can hear it here:

And one more from my friends at Craft Brewed Music, the curated music website with exquisitely chosen artists and music by Brian Horner. I’m proud to be among the artists who are included at Craft Brewed Music. CBM is definitely worth your time to check out and here is a link to a brand new interview I did with Brian and his pal and CBM artist Aaron Stayman.

There are more podcasts to come and I will post them here as they upload.

Orders are still coming in for the new record and I want to thank all of you who’ve shown interest in it. The reception has been overwhelming and to that end I’ve decided to make all of my albums available through my site, sort of one stop shopping. They will of course remain on Amazon too along with all the streaming and download platforms. Code Red, Cloud Nine…. For The Newly Blue…. Contrary Cocktail…. Ballads In Otherness…. they’re all right there and nicely priced for the holidays.

I’ve just returned from London and another week of recording with Mark Knopfler & Co. It was great seeing everyone again, making music at British Grove studios, having lots of laughs, a million cups of tea and maybe just a few martinis. Everybody in great shape and high spirits. In the process we put another clutch of great songs in the can.

At this point I’m double vax’d, triple boosted and beginning to feel the world pulling at my sleeve again but still staying cautious. I hope you all are as well. Wishing everyone a warm and peaceful holiday season.

Be well,

Nicholas Bennett