A long overdue hello...

I can scarcely account for the two months or more since we wrapped up the Mark Knopfler tour the end of September.  Well, I can account for some of it, a family holiday down on the Gulf of Mexico. A beautiful two weeks on sand and surf.  We recalled our  holiday the year before cut short due to Hurricane Michael.  The landscape was re-shaped because of that storm, no more sand dunes, the beaches nearly flat now.  Lots of repaired homes, rebuilt boardwalks and many of those not venturing out as close to the water.  Most of the beach vegetation was washed away and it will take many years to come back now.  Still, we had a great fortnight with the exception of our final night when we rode out Tropical Storm Nestor.  Sustained winds at 40-60 mph, torrential rains and most disturbing was the storm surge, while not as devastating as Michael’s last year, still managed to come up under the house and over the front tires of our parked cars, further eroding the beach.  I’d never been through a storm that strong and don’t care to again and have crossed ‘tropical storm’ off my list.

I’ve thrown myself back into recording again, a new and very different album this time.  I’m really enjoying how it’s shaping up, the writing taking on some different twists and turns that I like.  Should be complete sometime this coming year though I’m not rushing.  It’ll be finished when it’s finished.

We had a great Bennett clan gathering around the Thanksgiving table a couple of weeks ago that included our daughter and her family coming in from Indianapolis for several days.  Followed of course by several days of turkey soup and turkey sandwiches.

That delivers us squarely on the doorstep of Christmas.  I can’t believe it’s already here again.  This holiday will be a low key and quiet one and since we did the traditional for Thanksgiving we’ll opt for our usual non-trad Christmas dinner of Navajo Tacos.

I hope this time of year finds you and yours peaceful and well.  Here’s wishing everybody warm holiday wishes.



Nicholas Bennett