San Diego, CA. 24 Oct. 2012

Breakfast with my friend Jim Silvers in Santa Monica.  I produced a couple of albums on Jim back in '78 and '80 that are now tricky to find.  Both albums were country, leaning hard in a bluegrass/rockabilly direction and good stuff if you can get hold of them.

We took a couple of tour buses down south to San Diego, an easy ride, traffic not bad.  I couldn't believe how much the city has grown, spreading far north before arriving at the city center.  San Diego now boasts a skyline of high-rises, a far cry from the quiet town I remember from decades ago.  Guy mentioned as we approached town that America sure has a lot of stuff.  He's right.  Jam packed.

We pulled in at the massive Valley View Casino Center sports arena, found our dressing room and began our usual routine that leads up to a 7:30 start for us.  A fantastic audience tonight and a particularly good show, everyone in top form and firing on all cylinders.

It was 1 when the bus pulled up to the hotel.  Knackered.  Sleep.

So long,
