N.Y.C., N.Y.

Absolutely nothing today, never got out of the room until it was time to leave for the gig. Still feeling a little jet lagged, at least that's the excuse. Spent a good part of the day with a great book that Emmylou gave me while we were in rehearsals for this tour, Accordion Crimes by Annie Proulx. I noticed that Guy was reading Lincoln by Gore Vidal, another gift from Emmy who is keeping us on our literary toes. I'd read the Vidal book several years ago. It is one of the best books written about the Civil War and of course Lincoln's struggle, as well as his life.

Radio City Music Hall, the legendary theatre, was our venue tonight. Jimmy Bufffet came backstage after soundcheck to visit and we were told that Bob Seger had flown in especially for the show. It's a tricky stage for sound with a lot of the house sound spilling back onto the stage making it difficult to hear each other. In those cases we just trust in our experience, knowing what we're doing and the surety that what's leaving the stage and getting to the audience is good. Judging from the reception, it was. In no way did it dampen our enthusiasm or fun.

There was a big after show reception in the RCMH bar. Among others who I was glad to see were our old neighbours from Nashville who currently live in New York, The Blaser family. Another old friend, Howard Emerson and his family. I'd met Howard years ago in Los Angeles while he was working with Eric Anderson and he's a great guitar player. Of course Rudy Pensa, his wife Fran and daughter Stephanie were there and I was introduced to legendary arch-top guitar builder Joe Monteleone. Terry Kilburn who, among other things, looks after Mark's website. Too many to mention them all.

Arrived back at the hotel just past midnight and in time for a night cap with Danny, Guy and Pete Mackay and a listen to Ken Nordine's "Word Jazz" LP from the late 1950's. Nordine was and still is a radio announcer with the greatest voice and did a few albums of brilliantly convoluted, somewhat stream of consciousness stories backed by sparse music for effect. I think it's still in print on CD and is a classic.

Tomorrow we decamp and fly to Boston for a show, then on to Chicago for the night.

So long,
